
Samuel Frömel

Project details



Samuel’s work is deeply rooted in an exploration of material surface and structure as a medium in its own right. He engages in a playful yet powerful and intense dialogue with materials, using tools like a blowtorch, a grinding machine, and a spatula as a scalpel. This approach allows him to explore the relationships between surface, form, body and emotion.


In addition to his material investigations, he is fascinated by language and words—by their meanings, phonetics, and forms. Currently, he employs text as both a carrier of information and emotion, as well as a formal element. This involves a playful engagement with words, mental imagery, color, song lyrics, synesthesia, and composition.


Alongside his artistic practice, He is in his sixth semester of studying Social Work. In times that demand unity and compassion, He aims to contribute to collective well- being and individual expression. His experience working in art education for children at the Pinakothek der Moderne, and now in an open all-day school, has shown him how powerful “play” can be as a medium for communication and relationship- building.


After completing his studies, He plans to continue serving others alongside or through his art. On the one hand, with his own works, to inspire and bring joy through good work and perhaps in art therapy or art education. He is fascinated by outsider art and children’s art and particularly interested in the development and practice of art therapy as a non-verbal communication and healing pathway. His creative process is ritualistic, devoted, and highly free-form. Ideas, materials, and forms are allowed to evolve, which often means that he finds little stability in his work—but this also opens the door to new possibilities. By consistently stepping into the unknown, He creates more intriguing images and narratives—a box of surprises.

HE believes this path is the most authentic and closest to who he is.

Currently, He is also working on Samuel’s work is deeply rooted in an exploration of material surface …conceptual pieces that approach painting through auditory experiences, inviting co creation and the process of letting go.



„Fragen Suchen Wundern, Weiter“



Bild1: Alle: Untitled, found VHS-Casettes, Acryl & grinding machine, 2023
Bild2: Alle: Untitled, 21cm x 29,7cm paper, Acryl & Graphite, 2024
Bild3: Alle: Untitled, 13cm x 18cm MDF-Block, Acryl, 2024
Bild4: Alle: Untitled, 21cm x ,29,7cm paper framed, Acryl & Graphite, 2024
Bild5: Alle: Untitled, 21cm x 29,7cm paper, Acryl & Graphite, 2024



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Isabelle Pfeiffer


Silvie Redlich