Project details
Lena-Maria Stupitzky is a media artist based in Munich. Her work includes collages of research and theory as well as speculative narratives and experiments with visual media. Lena-Maria addresses complex socio-technical issues from an intersectional and planetary perspective. She is interested in how large-scale processes like information infrastructure, resource flows, or agricultural terraforming connect to material work on the ground, subjective ideals, privilege, and situated knowledge. This is evident in her projects “Die Furbeunruhigung” and “Under the Pavement, the Gravel Plain!” She studied communication design and media at the University of Applied Sciences of Wismar and Munich, after studying agriculture at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan Triesdorf. Since 2021, Lena-Maria has been working with Nick Förster on projects such as “Specters of the Internet” and “Thinking like a Forest.” Together, they explore digital media through historical speculation, technical experimentation, and collective performance. Additionally, Lena-Maria works as a photographer, exhibition designer and graphic designer. As a member of Kollektiv Crémbach, she advocates for equality and inclusion in the art world. With the group, she was represented at documenta fifteen and received support from the Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung and the Lenbachhaus. In 2023, she was awarded the Art Promotion Prize of the City of Fürstenfeldbruck and received a studio scholarship at Gabriele Space.
Picture 2-5: Documentation of the project “Specters of the Internet” in collaboration with Nick Förster 2024
Picture 3: Credits_Hans-Martin_Kudlinsky